Blogul Spacesignals prezinta o parte din preocuparile mele din urmatoarele domenii: Invatamant: ca initiator si fondator al Scolii de vara "Generatia Urmatoare" ce se desfasoara, anual, la Marisel; ca student, la Scoala Doctorala a Universitatii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca. Cercetare: Obiecte spatiale din apropierea Pamantului (NEO); telecomunicatii asigurate de sateliti artificiali; activitatea solara si vremea spatiala; Unde electromagnetice de foarte joasa frecventa. Productie: Proiectare si executie de aparate si echipamente cu scop didactic sau pentru cercetare stiintifica; consultanta si prestari de servicii in telecomunicatii terestre sau satelitare. TOATE ARTICOLELE DE PE ACEST BLOG AU FOST SCRISE DE MINE. Aproape toate fotografiile de pe blog au fost facute de mine sau cu aparatul meu foto, acolo unde apar si eu in cadru. Am participat activ la proiectarea, instalarea echipamentelor si realizarea constructiilor aferente prezentate pe acest blog. Daca aveti sugestii sau alte idei pe care doriti sa mi le comunicati, nu ezitati sa-mi scrieti la adresa de mai jos:

Friday, March 23, 2012


Basic initiation in: astronomy, radio astronomy and radio science; use of modern radio communication systems.

(courses will be held in one of the bellow teaching languages,depending on the group preference)
Romanian, English, German, Hungarian and French

1). Venue: Tourist guesthouse “Popasul Iancului” and the Astronomical Observatory of BITNET company located in Marisel, Cluj, Romania. Geographical coordinates: 46.67°N, 23.11°E; altitude 1200m. Marisel village is located at approximately 50 km of Cluj-Napoca in the Apuseni Mountains.

2). Accommodation: 4 rooms of 3 beds + 3 rooms of 2 beds + 1 room of 4 beds. All the rooms have bathrooms with showers, TV; rustic restaurant and conference room equipped with video projector and Hi-Fi audio system; 2 open-space resting salons and sport fields. 3 meals/day offered within the price. The guesthouse is accredited to organize school camps by the Ministry of Education from Romania.
3). Means of transportation: by airplane, by train or by car to Cluj-Napoca. From Cluj-Napoca you can reach Marisel using by car or by bus.
4). Number of persons: between 16-22 persons. Young persons must be accompanied by adults: at least one adult for 10 teenagers.
5). Duration of courses: 6 days (6 nights of accommodation)

1). The first steps in Astronomy
a) PowerPoint presentation lectures:
Celestial bodies and objects; the Sun and the Solar System.
b) Practical applications:
Sunspot observations through the telescope. The Moon and the planets: Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Observation of galaxies and nebulae.
Development of the solar clock (Sundial). Practical determination of the local meridian direction.
2) Initiation in Radio Astronomy, Radio Science and modern techniques of radio communication.
a) PowerPoint presentation lectures:
Earth’s artificial satellites: radio signals from different satellites; GPS satellites; radio signals from celestial objects